A kollektív emlékezet tárháza – Válogatás a Life magazin archívumából
23 • 01 • 22Szabó Benedek
A bostoni Museum of Fine Arts és a Princeton University Art Museum közös szervezésében valósult meg a Life Magazine and the Power of Photography című kiállítás, amely célja, hogy a magazin legismertebb és legvitatottabb képeit mutassa be a nagyközönség számára. A tárlaton eredeti nagyításokat, kontaktmásolatokat, forgatókönyveket és belső használatra készült feljegyzéseket is közread a Life, amelyeket saját archívumából válogatott össze.
Mrs. Nelson and her two children outside her laundry which she operates without running water, 1936 Fotó: Margaret Bourke‑White (American, 1904–1971) Photograph, gelatin silver print * The Howard Greenberg Collection—Museum purchase with funds donated by the Phillip Leonian and Edith Rosenbaum Leonian Charitable Trust * Photo by Margaret Bourke-White. © LIFE Picture Collection * Courtesy Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Normandy Invasion on D‑Day, Soldier Advancing through Surf Fotó: Robert Capa (American (born in Hungary), 1913–1954) 1944 Photograph, gelatin silver print * The Howard Greenberg Collection—Museum purchase with funds donated by the Phillip Leonian and Edith Rosenbaum Leonian Charitable Trust * Robert Capa © International Center of Photography / Magnum Photos * Courtesy Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
At the Time of the Louisville Flood, 1937 Fotó: Margaret Bourke‑White (American, 1904–1971) Photograph, gelatin silver print * The Howard Greenberg Collection—Museum purchase with funds donated by the Phillip Leonian and Edith Rosenbaum Leonian Charitable Trust * Photo by Margaret Bourke-White. © LIFE Picture Collection * Courtesy Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Audience watches movie wearing 3‑D spectacles, 1952 Fotó: J.R. Eyerman (American, 1906–1985) Photograph, gelatin silver print * The Howard Greenberg Collection—Museum purchase with funds donated by the Phillip Leonian and Edith Rosenbaum Leonian Charitable Trust * Photo by J.R. Eyerman. © LIFE Picture Collection. * Courtesy Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
LIFE Magazine and the Power of Photography exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. With art object: The Silence of Nduwayezu (detail) Alfredo Jaar 1997 One million slides, light table, magnifiers, illuminated text on wall * © Alfredo Jaar * Courtesy Alfredo Jaar and Galerie Lelong & Co., New York October 9, 2022 to January 16, 2023 * Ann and Graham Gund Gallery * Photograph © Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Contact sheet w. frames from photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt's famed set of the sailor kissing the nurse and other images of the Times Square VJ‑Day celebrations, 1945 Fotó: Alfred Eisenstaedt (German (active in the United States) 1898–1995) Photograph, gelatin silver print, contact sheet * Life Picture Collection * Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt. © LIFE Picture Collection. * Courtesy Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Life Magazine and the Power of Photography
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
2022. október 9. – 2023. január 16.